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- CHRONIC ENTERITIS - SAMMY – Dog, Male, Age: 12 years, Breed: Undetermined -

About 1.5 years before Sammy had the 1st session of Acupuncture, he had been diagnosed with Chronic Enteritis in a Veterinary Clinic, and presented with constant diarrhea, the diarrhea type was of the small intestine and could sometimes had a little mucus and be streaked with blood, Sammy had a little lack of appetite, some prostration and a certain change in their body condition caused by the intermittent but prolonged use of corticosteroids.
Acupuncture was made of simple selected points in treatment sessions lasting about 20 minutes.
There was 4 weekly sessions, followed by three sessions spaced at 1.5 weeks each, then there were 2 sessions spaced at 2 weeks and 1 last session after 1 month since the previous.
In total 10 sessions were made at an interval of 3 and a half months.

After the first 4 sessions, including even just the 1st session, in the 3/4 days after the day of each session, we found that the feces of Sammy already were normal and well formed, although in the last days before each next session, return the stools to be more pasty or liquid and may have some mucus and are slightly streaked with blood. The animal showed up now with more energy, better mood and more appetite.
At that time he was taking cortisone reduced to half of what was to be taken, starting with the total removal of corticosteroids.
During the time of the following three sessions the feces of the animal remained normal, just observing either day stools with mucus and one day they showed up streaked with blood.
After this time Sammy was not taking any dose of corticosteroids.
In the following sessions and by the end of the treatment Sammy has always remained with the stool well formed and normal, without having traces of mucus in the feces and didn’t have the presence of blood and never had diarrhea again. It was always more active and had more appetite and he wasn’t taking any medication.